News and community website for non profit organization. Membership signup, login, password reminder function and more. Year 2006 Produced by Åsa Rosenberg My contribution Design, Coding Url talcirkeln.se
An archive of all web projects I have contributed to over the years.
News and community website for non profit organization. Membership signup, login, password reminder function and more. Year 2006 Produced by Åsa Rosenberg My contribution Design, Coding Url talcirkeln.se
Redesign and rebuild of website for entertainment event company. Year 2006 Produced by Åsa Rosenberg My contribution Specification, Design modifications, Coding Url uppahoppa.com
News and activist site for cataloguing social justice issues. Year 2006 Produced by Åsa Rosenberg My contribution Specification, Design, Coding Url brydigom.se
Website redesign. Rebuild from online zine to blog format. Year 2005 Produced by Åsa Rosenberg My contribution Specification, Design, Coding Url gylf.se
News and community website for coordinating the the political organizations regional groups. Year 2005 Produced by Åsa Rosenberg My contribution Specification, Coding Url femi.se
Community and activist site with membership, login, groups, calendar and more. Logo design. Year 2005 Produced by Åsa Rosenberg My contribution Specification, Design, Coding Url j17.se
Information site with interactive features. News, archives, galleries and feedback functionality. Year 2004 Produced by Åsa Rosenberg My contribution Specification, Design, Coding Url svemus.org
Complete redesign of website. New functions, improved user interface. Year 2003 Produced by Åsa Rosenberg My contribution Idea, Specification, Design, Coding Url tjejsidan.com
Specification, design and interface programming for online zine focused on comedy/political satire. Year 2003 Produced by Åsa Rosenberg My contribution Specification, Design, Coding Url gylf.se